In a lawsuit filed just before the deadline for the Adult Survivors Act, New York City Mayor Eric Adams has been accused of sexually assaulting a woman in 1993.

The accuser, whose identity is protected due to the sensitive nature of the allegation, filed the lawsuit late Wednesday and named Adams, the NYPD’s transit bureau and the Guardian Association as defendants. At the time of the alleged incident, Adams was an NYPD officer, and the filing states that the woman also worked for the city.

The three-page summons claims that the plaintiff was sexually assaulted by Adams in New York City in 1993 while both worked for the City of New York. However, it does not provide further details about the alleged assault.

The lawsuit alleges sexual assault, battery, employment discrimination based on gender and sex, retaliation, hostile work environment and intentional infliction of emotional distress. The plaintiff seeks damages of at least $5 million, as well as attorneys’ fees.

Adams addressed the lawsuit and denied the allegations, claiming that the incident never took place. 

City Hall also denied the allegations and stated that the mayor does not know the accuser and has no recollection of any past interaction with her.

Despite the denials, the lawsuit poses additional challenges for Adams, who already faces declining approval ratings and a federal probe into his campaign’s fundraising and budget cuts.

The lawsuit comes under the purview of the Adult Survivors Act, which allows individuals to sue over alleged sexual assaults without the usual statute of limitations for a one-year period. This has led to a surge in civil lawsuits against prominent figures, such as former President Donald Trump and Bill Cosby.

The accuser has previously filed lawsuits against the Miami School Board, American Airlines, and a Florida casino, with mixed outcomes.

Adams, who has never been married, has a 27-year-old son from a previous relationship. He is currently in a relationship with Tracey Collins, who is considered the de facto first lady of New York City.

Former New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo recently expressed interest in running for New York City mayor if Adams bows out due to the escalating scandals.

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