In a new video interview, singer Keke Wyatt explained how she manages 11 kids with her husband Zackariah Darring. 

Wyatt shared with uInterview founder Erik Meers that the three things that help her juggle her career and kids are love, God and Darring. 

“Love, most of all, and God, honey,” Wyatt said. “And with the help of my husband, my stay-at-home dad, no I wish. It’s a lot, but it’s a lot that I can handle.”

All this is shown on her new TV series, Keke Wyatt’s World, which premiered on October 12 on WeTV.

Wyatt explained how she and her husband had always had a big family growing up and knew that that was what she wanted. 

“I grew up in a huge family, where my great-grandparents had 18, and my grandparents had 12. And what’s funny is my husband, it’s 12 of them, and he and his younger sister and the babies of all that bunch. So he knows about the big family, I know about the big families.”

She has devised a system to keep track of all her children, especially when they go on family outings, ensuring that everyone is accounted for. 

“I assign a little one to a big one. So you’re responsible for this one, you know, I’m like, ‘Bean you got Wyatt, Rahjah you got, you know, Ke’Mar.’ You know, I go like that. I’m like, ‘Whoever don’t come back with the baby, you die,’” she joked. 

Darring came into Wyatt and her children’s lives five years ago when Wyatt had already had nine kids. The couple had two more children since they have been married.

“He’s a good dad, he loves all the kids,” she said. “You can’t tell him that one’s not his. He doesn’t play that, he doesn’t play those games.”

Wyatt pointed out that because Darring came into the kids’ lives early, they were able to create the perfect blended family. 

“He’s been able to get them at a good age, where he can display his love and not be weird,” she noted. “He can give them sugars and it not be weird or hug them, and they call him daddy, everybody calls him daddy. So I think that’s wonderful because it’s not often you see that in blended families, you know.”

Wyatt joked around about how Darring had always asked the Lord for a family.

“He was alone for like seven years, celibate for six, and so he was just waiting on the Lord and honey when I tell you he asked the Lord for a family and the Lord gave him,” she laughed.

Keke Wyatt’s World is now airing on WeTV.

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