Prime Video’s With Love stars actors Isis King and Todd Grinnell as Sol Perez and Dr. Miles Murphy, who develop a relationship. 

In the new exclusive uInterview video, the two actors go into detail on how their acting careers got started. 

“I did a short film I really love but I think right after that I flew to the Philippines by myself and did an indie film in 2011,” she said. “And I was there for almost a month and I remember being there thinking, ‘Yeah this is what I want to do.'”

Her climb to fame was not an easy one, as opportunities for transgender actors were extremely limited, but she continued on despite the adversities that stood in her way. 

“Unbeknownst to me, there were not really going to be any opportunities for me for many years after that because trans representation was so small,” she said. “And even a few little teeny crumbs that trans representation had in acting roles were usually a few words, right, for so long we’re just getting to the point of really being fully fleshed out like characters that have storylines or leads and series regulars we’re just getting to that point.”

By contrast, Grinnell always knew that he had a passion for acting, but did not pursue it in college. 

“I always loved film and TV and had this secret desire to maybe possibly be an actor in college but I didn’t think it was something that regular people did you know,” he said.

After college, he worked for a politician in Boston, and shortly after decided that he wanted to be an actor. 


“But after college, I was working for the state senator and thought I need to try this and so a friend of mine’s mom is a brilliant actor and an acting teacher in Boston, Dossy Peabody, and she was having a scene study class and I went over and did some scenes from the Sam Shepard play True West with another actor on stage and it was like magic. It wasn’t really like a big event, but just for me, it was kind of a moment where I was like, Oh this is, I gotta do this, this is something I need to do.”

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