Black Warrant, a thrilling action film, follows a special-ops assassin and a DEA agent as they team up to bring a stop to a cyber-terrorist organization to save the world from an attack.

Cam Gigandet, who plays Anthony, recently sat down with uInterview founder Erik Meers to discuss what it was like working with legendary actor Tom Berenger on the film.

“He was far funnier than I could have ever imagined and I grew up watching Major League so I knew he was funny and charming,” Gigandet revealed. “It may have been the first or second day we had worked together … we were working I believe by the water. We’re on a marina on a boat and we’re supposed to be laughing so it kind of worked, but it turned into this uncontrollable giggle session so much so that I guess someone who lived on the boat next to our boat was so unhappy and he started yelling. We couldn’t stop laughing and it turned into this weird screaming match slash laughing while we were filming it. It was definitely a memorable moment for sure.”

Gigandet also gave insight into his preparation for playing such an intense character.

“There was a lot of physical – gun handling, a lot of fighting, a lot of action,” the actor said. “In preparation for that, aside from getting into shape and getting ready, we would shoot guns. We would rehearse the choreography for the fights. That’s stuff that I’ve been doing for a while now so that came easily. That’s also one of the perks of the job so I love doing that stuff. It’s hard to think of it so I’ll do it anytime anybody asks, ‘Let’s go shoot guns.’ ‘Sure, why not? Let’s do it.'”

Black Warrant is now playing in theaters.

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