Jason David Frank, the original Green Ranger from the Power Rangers who passed away last week, reportedly suffered from depression frequently in his life and had several family members who died from suicide, according to a close friend.

Jason David Frank was an avid martial artist who had a short-lived MMA career and also created his own style of American kung fu.


Along with his own struggles with mental health, Frank was burdened by several deaths in the family from suicide, as well as losing his mother to cancer.

MMA fighter Mike Bronzoulis told TMZ he got a voicemail from Frank saying he was going through a lot but didn’t notice the message until after Frank died.

Best known for playing Tommy Oliver, who began as the Green Ranger and later became White Ranger, Frank played this role in assorted Power Rangers projects from the show’s initial premiere in 1993 all the way until 2018, when he cataloged his last episode as Tommy in the web series Power Rangers Hyper Force.

Even when not playing the role, he was very engaged with the show and its fans. He appeared frequently at comic cons and other fan events.

According to most of his friends and the people he met, he was very proud of the role and generous with people who were inspired and affected by his characters.

Frank died in Texas. While suicide was not officially confirmed as his cause of death, some outlets have reported he died by suicide.

If you or someone you know is struggling with depression or thoughts of suicide, help is available 24 hours at the national hotline: 988.

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Jacob Linden

Article by Jacob Linden

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