On Thursday, police begged the public for leads in the murders of University of Idaho students who were slaughtered last week in what police are calling a “crime of passion” attack. All four victims were found stabbed to death in an off-campus apartment in Moscow, Idaho.

The victims have been identified as Ethan Chapin, 20, Xana Kernodle, 20, Kaylee Goncalves, 21, and Madison Mogen, 21.

A statement from the Moscow Police Department said no weapons were found at the scene, but “investigators believe that an edged weapon such as a knife was used.” Law enforcement also said they believe there was “no imminent threat to the community at large.”

No suspects have been named or taken into custody, and law enforcement is still trying to determine a motive. 

Moscow Mayor Art Bettge said there were a number of possibilities about what occurred. He speculated that it could have been a “burglary gone wrong” or a “crime of passion.”

“It is impossible to understand the senselessness of events like this, and we all are seeking answers that are not yet available,” Bettge said in a press release. “This tragedy serves as a sobering reminder that senseless acts of violence can occur anywhere, at any time, and we are not immune from such events here in our own community.” 

The University of Idaho canceled classes last week and many students have left the town as they wait for answers days after the homicide. 

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Article by Miranda Dipaolo

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