A well-regarded French athlete tragically passed away on Friday after falling to her death in the Mont Blanc mountain range in the French Alps. Adèle Milloz, 26, was known as a champion competing for France in European tournaments for the event Ski Mountaineering, where you climb up a mountain and then ski down it.

Milloz was training to be a mountain guide after retiring from the sport in 2019. She and a second women, reportedly a friend of hers, were seen falling off the cliffside by fellow mountaineers as they were climbing the Aiguille summit. Climbing routes have been made more unpredictable and dangerous by increasing temperatures in Europe this year.

The exact cause of the accident is still being investigated, though French authorities have said they ruled out rockfall. Milloz was born in the Alps region, and grew up in the town of Tignes.

Milloz’s former sport, which is also known as Skimo, will debut at the Winter Olympic Games in 2026.

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