Last week, actor John Travolta celebrated his son Benjamin Travolta‘s 10th birthday. To mark the occasion, the star shared a rare photo of himself with his son on Instagram. He captioned the picture, featuring him hugging Ben, “Happy 10th birthday my wonderful Ben! I love you!”

The actor, 66, and his wife, the late Kelly Preston, have two children, Benjamin and Ella Bleu, 20. Their first child, Jett Travolta, tragically died in 2009 at 16-years-old from a seizure during a family vacation.

Kelly passed away on July 12 this year at the age of 57 following a struggle with cancer. John shared a statement to Instagram after her passing, writing, “It is with a very heavy heart that I inform you that my beautiful wife Kelly has lost her two-year battle with breast cancer. She fought a courageous fight with the love and support of so many.”

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Article by Yati Sanghvi

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