Dua Lipa joined the list of celebrities to guest host Jimmy Kimmel Live as part of Jimmy Kimmel’s usual summer break from the late-night show. The show began with a monologue from Lipa confessing to being a student at Hogwarts, showing some of her 17 tattoos, interviewing seniors about what they think of her music and watching videos from her TikTok “Dua Lipa Challenge.”

Later in the show, Lipa interviewed Gwen Stefani where they discussed Lipa’s love of Stefani’s music, how her famous song “Hollaback Girl” was how she learned to spell “bananas,” and teased an upcoming duet the two will be releasing soon. In the interview, Stefani admitted to being excited about working with Lipa, enthusing, ‘You’re so cool!’

The duet will be an interpretation of Lipa’s hit song “Physical” and will be featured on her new album Club Future Nostalgia being released on August 28.

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Article by Caroline Bryceland

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