Celebrities, sports teams, and politicians alike celebrated National Puppy Day to help lighten everyone’s mood on Monday by posting pictures and videos of their furry friends to Twitter and Instagram.

Jessica Chastain posted videos of a pup that her and her film crew rescued during a shoot in Morocco, and asked people to share their rescue stories, leading to a very wholesome thread of tweets.

Hillary Clinton posted a pic of President Bill Clinton and their former chocolate lab.


Former U.S. Ambassador to the U.N., Nikki Haley posted a photo of her dog, Bentley, saying he “will always be a puppy” to her.

The Capitals, a hockey team, shared their official dog mascot, Captain, and posted his puppy pictures:

The football team, Georgia Bulldogs, posted a picture of their mascot, Uga.

The San Francisco 49ers posted their “favorite K9er,” Zo.

Spectrum News Washington correspondent, Jeevan Vittal, showed off his dog’s sad face on Twitter:

Lionsgate UK screenshotted Keanu Reeves with puppies to celebrate.

And Disney reminded everyone of their animated canine, Bolt.

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Article by Marie Fiero

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