Logan is an Aries sun sign, known for their impulsive, self-first, action oriented personality. Aries suns also tend to be direct, adventurous and enterprising as well as impatient, selfish and tactless. Looking at those traits alone and its possible to see how he has become an internet sensation. A major feature in Logan’s chart is the element of fire which is the most inspirational of the elements, with a lesson of power behind it.

He was born at the new moon, and also has his moon in Aries which means he needs space and likes to keep the world at a distance. He is quick to react and protect and his feelings of security come from his own independent actions.

His fire element personality goes off the scale with a fire planet harmonious ‘grand trine’: Sun in Aries linked to Mars in Leo linked to Jupiter in Sagittarius. There is absolutely no stopping this guy (except his own recklessness)!

The fire is somewhat watered down by a sensitive Venus, Mercury and Saturn in Pisces in the second house of his chart, which tends to make him think and attract money. All in all a very blessed life with huge amounts of success yet to happen. But in saying that there can be too much of a good thing, and he got a taste of that last year with the Japanese suicide scandal.

Someone needs to tell him to slow down and be less rash and impulsive, especially when he reaches the age of 27, which is a milestone year of transits that happens to everybody (Uranus trine Uranus and Neptune sextile Neptune). This is generally considered to be a (first phase of life) creative peak, but if one has been like a shooting star or comet blazing a trail, it’s possible to burn out.

Best advice for him in 2022 would be to become a father and from then on focus on family.

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Julian Venables

Article by Julian Venables

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