‘Curb Your Enthusiasm’ Season 9, Episode 6 Recap: Larry Has Brilliant Ideas

As with last week’s episode of Curb Your Enthusiasm, Larry David’s latest misadventures aren’t connected to the fatwa he obtained in the season premiere. Instead, Larry’s palling around with his whole social circle.
Our hero’s latest escapades begin at the airport when he misses his plane, forcing him to try and negotiate with the flight attendant to let him on. While unsuccessful in getting on board his scheduled flight, he does manage to score a seat in the next one. But not only is it not a first-class seat, Larry’s ultimately forced to sit between two people who grate on his nerves; Dr. Winocur, an acquaintance of Marty Funkhouser, and a blonde woman named Bebe who allegedly has a bladder issue. The latter particularly drew his ire, as we see a montage of her bumping into him. She also refuses to get up when Larry needs to use the bathroom, which he disparaged as they were leaving the plane.
Larry arrives back at his house, where he’s greeted by Leon Black and his grimy car. Someone, evidently displeased with Larry’s car negligence, smeared off some of the dirt on Larry’s car leaving a curt message telling him to clean it. Larry writes a response, telling whoever wrote the message to clean it.
We cut to a dinner party, with all of Larry’s inner friends in attendance. Richard Lewis is there with his new lady friend, Rhonda, and Marty’s new girlfriend, Marilyn, working as the hostess. Susie tells them how Jeff will romantically drop her off at the airport for her upcoming trip. Larry chuckled at the idea, spurring Susie to sardonically question why Larry’s the only single person in attendance. Rhonda quickly mentions to Richard that she likes his friends. However, as they head to dinner, Richard calls his date “Honey,” eliciting a negative reaction from her. Larry informs him that he used that term too soon.
Marilyn quickly grows to dislike Larry as the dinner progresses. Larry discourses his fixation with knives, noting how they make him want to stab someone. He asks Marilyn if she wants to stab someone, to which she responds by affirming that she does. Moreover, Larry’s disgusted by her non-filtered tap water. She responds by kicking him out. Marty attempts to diffuse the situation by saying how it was a fun evening, but she quickly shoots down the notion as Larry bides everyone adieu.
Larry awakes to discover a new message on his car: “Bald fuck.” “Blow me,” Larry retorts before pulling out. He drives by a bus of school children on the way to his lunch with Richard, all of whom laugh at the text inscribed on his unclean car. At the restaurant, Richard dispiritingly concedes to Larry that he was right, and she wants to have a talk. Larry, however, has an idea: call Rhonda over to join them, and upon her arrival Richard will call everyone “Honey.” It’s a regular part of his vocabulary, it wasn’t a premature term of endearment.
Larry’s plan works, and she informs Richard that she’s free on Friday. She also invites Larry to the clothing store she works for. He later takes her up on her offer, although it makes him uncomfortable when she’s in the dressing room with him. Their relationship goes sour when Larry begins watching a lewd video Leon texted him, inadvertently giving him an erection as she was fine-tuning his pants.
Larry and Jeff head out to play golf, with Marty and Dr. Winocur joining them. The latter makes a bet with Larry, but he leaves the game early under the claim that there’s an emergency with one of his patients. Larry berates him for leaving, noting how he refused to help a sick person on the plane. Moreover, Marty challenges Larry on his social conduct the other night. Larry suggests sending her an “accidental text on purpose,” wherein he curses out Larry. This scheme works too, with Marilyn immediately texting Marty praise for sticking up for her. The next day, she gives him an ultimatum: stay with her and never talk with Larry again or she leaves him. Marty chooses the former.
Things come to a close as everyone gathers at a commencement dinner honoring Dr. Winocur, who arrives with Bebe. A penis was inscribed on Larry’s car, which startles everyone as he arrives. Thereafter, Richard calls Larry out for scaring his girlfriend, with the usage of that word unsettling Rhonda. Richard frantically tries to call everyone within a few feet of him “Girlfriend.” At the dinner table, Susie informs Marilyn of Larry’s accidental text on purpouse scheme. She turns to Marty, asking him if his previous text was genuine. Marty breaks down, admitting how much he can’t stand her water. Finally, Larry has closure with both Dr. Winocur and Bebe, with both of them expressing their dislike of our balding lead.
The episode closes at the car wash, as Larry’s neighbor Dave greets him. Dave explains how much he can’t stand seeing dirty cars remain unclean, viewing the cars as calling out for help. Larry realizes Dave left the messages on his car, and the two point to each other as the credits start.
This was another respectable episode of Curb Your Enthusiasm, and it was nice to have a second break from the fatwa plotline. Larry’s most memorable moment in “The Accidental Text on Purpose” probably occurred in the mall, when he pushed one of the perfume ladies.
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