False alarm, everyone, John Boyega did not spoil The Last Jedi for you.

The actor tweeted Wednesday, “Time to play a villain ey…” which Star Wars fans instantly interpreted as being in reference to his character Finn from The Force Awakens.  This “spoiler” was extra scintillating because Boyega’s character started out as a villain in The Force Awakens before seeing the light and joining Ren (Daisy Ridley) and the Resistance. Having Finn return once again to the dark side would have been a cruel twist of fate for the character.

Thankfully Boyega quickly clarified that his tweet was not in reference to the upcoming Star Wars film, but a different project entirely.

The fervor surrounding Boyega’s tweets settled down only to be ignited again by the introduction of Mark Hamil to the conversation. Hamil tweeted, “See how easy it is to accidentally leak a spoiler, son? (Hope you didn’t say anything about OUR relationship in #EpVIII) #ScaredSithless”. The conversation continued between the Star Wars actors culminating with Hamil tweeting that he and Boyega had already said “too much” according to the Disney Legal Department.

The Last Jedi also known as Star Wars: Episode VIII is set to hit theaters on December 15, 2017 and is the second film in the Star Wars sequel trilogy. Boyega will be joined once again by Ridley, Hamil, the late Carrie Fisher and Adam Driver as well as newcomers to the series, Laura Dern, Benecio Del Toro and Kelly Marie Tran.

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Brian Salemi

Article by Brian Salemi

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