Donald Trump headed to Flint, Michigan Wednesday for a campaign stop at the city’s Bethel United Methodist Church. When he tried to use the space to attack Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton, the pastor put an end to it.

Pastor Faith Green Timmons Cuts Off Trump

At the Flint church, Trump veered off the event’s script to take a moment to get in a few digs at Clinton. “Hillary failed on the economy. Just like she’s failed on foreign policy. Everything she touched didn’t work out. Nothing. Now Hillary Clinton –,” Trump said before Rev. Faith Green Timmons got on the stage to interrupt the Republican presidential candidate and to remind him of his purpose at her church.

“Mr. Trump, I invited you here to thank us for what we’ve done in Flint, not give a political speech,” Timmons told Trump. In reply, Trump said, “Oh, oh, OK, OK, OK. That’s good. That’s good. Then I’m going back onto Flint, OK? Flint’s pain is a result of so many different failures.”

Trump, unsurprisingly, took aim at the pastor Thursday morning. “Something was up because I noticed she was so nervous when she introduced me,” Trump claimed on Fox & Friends. “When she got up to introduce me she was so nervous she was shaking and I said, ‘Wow, this is sort of strange.’ And then she came up. So she had that in mind, there’s no question about it.”

Trump then added, “The audience was saying let him speak, let him speak.”

Those present at the event have contradicted his version of events, and have stated that an audience chant of “let him speak” did not occur. Instead, Trump was apparently heckled, according to NPR. What’s more, a calm Timmons put a stop to the heckling, just as she had put a stop to Trump’s attacks on Clinton. When someone in the audience tried to bring up the 1973 civil rights lawsuit again him, Timmons stepped in.

“This is my church and you will respect him,” Timmons reportedly said, to which Trump replied, “Thank you. Thank you, pastor,”

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Article by Chelsea Regan