Nick Jonas’ Horoscope 9/16/82: Nick is a Virgo Sun sign, who are generally known for their ability to be practical and productive, while at the same time being exacting, scrupulous and meticulous. In his natal chart he has his Sun closely tied together with opportunistic Jupiter and clever Mercury. A Jupiter/Mercury conjunction makes for a ‘big’ mind but in the sign of Virgo could possibly make him known for striving for perfection, and being critical of anything that doesn’t reach his standards. This next year however, lucky Jupiter has returned to Virgo, and so Nick will be getting his Jupiter return, something that happens to everyone every 12 years. Another important transit for Nick this next year is liberating Uranus making an opposition to his Venus, the planet of relationships. For quite a while now, he might have been finding intimate relationships hard to maintain, as he may have felt a strong need to be his own person. The best way around this is to allow himself and his partner more freedom and stay positively focused on the reasons for this.

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