Vin is a Cancer Sun sign, known for their need for emotional security, protectiveness, sympathetic understanding and sensitivity to slights. His Sun is in a tense square to Mars, planet of competition, which makes him a natural at taking lead roles in action-adventure films, such as the Furious franchise. His Mars is in Libra, which adds extra charm to the action hero persona. This last year has seen his career get a lucky boost from Jupiter, as he had a Jupiter return (which happens every twelve years) followed by Jupiter crossing his Midheaven point — this was when Furious 7 was released, which has so far pulled in $1.5 billion at the box office. Looking ahead to 2016/17, and he will have Saturn moving through his second house of personal resources, at the same time as it conjuncts his moon in Sagittarius. This indicates he will quite possibly make substantial foreign investments into a culture he is particularly drawn toward, or puts his faith in. Some serious travel to find “the right place” is signified, a possible new home is on the cards.

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