The Golden Globe nominations are in, as are the SAG's. Critics from New York, Chicago, L.A. and many others have weighed in, and we know which ten films the Producers' Guild named the best. All that remains, at this point, is whose names will be called out on January 24. Plenty could change between now and then, but at the moment it's safe to say there are names (ahem, Meryl Streep) who are all but locked in.

This year, the Academy has complicated the race for Best Picture. Instead of a set number of nominees (10 for the past couple of years, 5 for most of the years before that), the rules have changed to nominate between 5 and 10 depending on which films get at least 5% of the votes. It's a welcome shake-up for those who've grown tired of predictable awards show, but it makes predicting a little bit harder.

What follows is a run-down of the major categories of who we predict will be nominated — which is not to be confused with who we wish would get nods (Andy Serkis, you're our hero!). We'll also include the names of those many expect to get nominated but will be snubbed.

BEST PICTURE: The Descendants, The Artist, War Horse, Midnight In Paris, Bridesmaids, Hugo, Moneyball, The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo, The Ides of March

Snubbed: The Tree of Life

BEST DIRECTOR: Michel Hazanavicius (The Artist), Alexander Payne (The Descendants), Steven Spielberg (War Horse), Martin Scorsese (Hugo), Woody Allen (Midnight in Paris)

Snubbed: Terrence Malick, The Tree of Life

BEST ACTOR: Brad Pitt (Moneyball), George Clooney (The Descendants), Jean Dujardin (The Artist), Leonardo DiCaprio (J.Edgar), Ryan Gosling (The Ides of March)

Snubbed: Woody Harrelson (Rampart)

BEST ACTRESS: Meryl Streep (The Iron Lady), Glenn Close (Albert Nobbs), Viola Davis (The Help), Michelle Williams (My Week With Marilyn), Tilda Swinton (We Need To Talk About Kevin)

Snubbed: Rooney Mara (The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo)

BEST SUPPORTING ACTOR: Kenneth Branagh (My Week With Marilyn), Albert Brooks (Drive), Christopher Plummer (Beginners), Nick Nolte (Warrior), Jonah Hill (Moneyball)

Snubbed: Armie Hammer (J. Edgar)

BEST SUPPORTING ACTRESS: Janet McTeer (Albert Nobbs), Berenice Bejo (The Artist), Jessica Chastain (The Help), Shailene Woodley (The Descendants), Octavia Spencer (The Help)

Snubbed: Melissa McCarthy (Bridesmaids)

BEST ADAPTED SCREENPLAY: The Descendants, The Help, Hugo, Moneyball, War Horse

Snubbed: Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close

BEST ORIGINAL SCREENPLAY: The Artist, Bridesmaids, Midnight in Paris, Young Adult, 50/50

Snubbed: A Separation


Read more here:

For Your Consideration: How To Improve The Best Picture Race

Will Meryl Streep Win Her Third Oscar For 'The Iron Lady'?

SAG Awards Nominate Clooney, 'Bridesmaids'

Golden Globes Nominates Brad Pitt, 'Descendants,' 'The Help'

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