All eyes were on Hollywood royals Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt at the New York Film Critics' Circle Awards Gala on Monday night, as they arrived hand-in-hand — she in a knee-length tight leather skirt, white silk blouse, plain black patent-leather heels, and stunning emerald jewelry; he a two-piece blue suit with a solid black tie, clutching a cane in his left hand.

Yes, it seems that the 48-year old Tree of Life star tripped on a ski slope while carrying his 3-year-old daughter, Vivienne. "It wasn't life or death," Pitt said of the injury, reports People. "It was just an old man tripping." Even so, he injured his ACL, a ligament in the knee, but, most importantly, Vivienne wasn't hurt. "It was either her or me," he said, explaining how he took the brunt of the fall. He is looking forward to a speedy recovery, and the cane is mainly needed for stairs.

Minor injury aside, Monday night was a good one for Pitt, as he took home the Best Actor Award for his work in last year's Tree of Life and Moneyball.

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  • A Grinshpan
    A Grinshpan on

    You know 48 isn't that old, though Brad is looking quite old. Congrats on the award!

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