The Dark Knight Rises, the third and final installment in Christopher Nolan's Batman franchise, released a new trailer on Tuesday that mixes in some previously revealed footage with some that is all new.

In the new category, we have a conversation between a young Batfan and a Gotham City police officer played by Joseph Gordon-Levitt. "Do you think he's coming back?" the lad asks. "I don't know," replies the cop.

Of course he's coming back! But what brings Batman out of retirement appears to be sheer and utter mayhem, as the trailer unveils catastrophe after catastrophe wrought by mega-terrorist Bane, played by Tom Hardy. Also, we have a new slogan for Batman's triumphant return. "I'm not afraid," we hear Christian Bale say. "I'm angry."

The Dark Knight Rises hits theaters July 20.

Watch the trailer here:

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VIDEO: 'The Dark Knight Rises' Unleashes Two New TV Spots

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