Les Miserables has gotten great reviews and features an all-star cast including Hugh Jackman, 45, Russell Crowe, 48, Amanda Seyfried, 27, and Anne Hathaway, 30. For those longtime fanatics of the musical, and those new to it, here is some important Les Mis trivia before seeing the movie.

All the actors sing live during the movie — there is no lip-synching or auto-tuning, according to Entertainment Weekly. The music from the original musical has been incorporated into the film. There is also an original song added to the movie. “Suddenly” is sung by Jean Valjean (Jackman) after he rescues Cosette (Seyfried) from her guardians, played by Helena Bonham Carter and Sacha Baron Cohen.

The actors themselves went to great lengths to bring to life the pain and hurt their characters experienced. Hathaway lost 25 pounds and chopped off her locks. Jackman also lost weight for the movie and went 36 hours without water before shooting his scenes as a prisoner. He gained the weight back during filming for the rest of the movie. The set itself was made to look as, er, miserable as possible. Over 2,000 costumes were made for the extras, who wore fake rotten skin and teeth.


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