Nina Pham appears to be doing well in a video shared by the Texas Health Presbyterian hospital where the nurse was being treated for Ebola.

Nina Pham Speaks From Hospital Bed

Pham, a nurse, contracted the Ebola virus while caring for Thomas Eric Duncan, the Liberian man who was the first person diagnosed with Ebola in the US. Originally treated at Texas Health Presbyterian, where she works, Pham has been moved following growing safety concerns at the hospital, which many believe was ill equipped to deal with any kind of Ebola outbreak.

In the video, made by Pham’s attending physician at the Dallas hospital, Pham says goodbye to her doctors at the hospital as she prepares to fly to Bethesda, Md., where she is currently being treated. The YouTube video of Pham is the first time the public has seen the nurse since her diagnosis became headline news.

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“We love you,” says the healthcare official in the video.

Nina Pham Moved To NIH Isolation Unit

Pham was moved to a National Institutes of Health (NIH) isolation unit in Bethesda, Md., on Thursday, and, as the video shows, appears to be in good spirits. Head of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases Dr. Anthony Fauci announced that Pham arrived at the NIH facility and was in fair condition, calling Pham “a trooper.”

Deputy Clinical Director Dr. Rick Davey, who examined Pham, also updated the public on Pham’s condition, saying, “She is resting comfortably. She is interacting with the staff. She is eating.”

“We fully intend to have this patient walk out of this hospital,” Fauci added.

Meanwhile, Pham’s dog Bentley remains quarantined in Texas under the care of Dallas Animal Services (DAS).

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