“There were a couple of men I met, yes, before we started shooting who had done some shady stuff for governments in their past,” Neeson said about government agents he had met with before shooting the film to prepare for his role as an ex-CIA operative. “A couple of the stories they told me would literally make the hair on the back of your neck stand up.”

Neeson also revealed that he did all his fight scenes, but not all the stunts.

“I did want to do all the fights myself, which I did,” he said. “The stunts — I left that to my stunt double, Mark Vanselow. I was thrilled to do it! It’s something I don’t often get the chance to do.”

He’s one of Hollywood’s greatest actors and he’s getting in on the action with the #1 thriller, Taken. Here Liam Neeson takes questions from users of Uinterview.com.

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  • R. Nelson
    R. Nelson on

    Liaam have you killed any rabbits lately… Your role as the leader of the dead rabbits in ‘Gangs of New York’ was an epic portrail of the struggel of the poor… and the corruption of governments.

    I have noticed that like many in Holy Wood… you have taken a number of action roles that portray the struggles of the poor and disenfranchised aginst those with power.

    Is this an indicaiton of your personal positions concerning power… governments, corporate power, the wealthy and the poor?

    I enjoy you work… and the scope of its content.

  • Jack
    Jack on

    I just saw the movie tonight (2/19). I don’t care what the critics say it was a great movie! I would recommend it to anyone that likes no nonsense action movies!

  • J. Byington
    J. Byington on

    Liam. I have not seen the movie Taken yet but the commercials for them are great. I am sure that Taken will live up to the hype.

  • Carmen
    Carmen on

    Liam I think you are a great actor. I am old enough to be your mother but I have a crush on you. If you can keep doing action movies they seem to be what the kids love. I love you in anything.

  • Bill Baker
    Bill Baker on

    Our hearts and prayers are with you at this trying time.

  • Donna in Tucson
    Donna in Tucson on

    I am devastated about the accident. One of my favorite movies was Nell, since it featured my “heartthrob” Liam with my all-time favorite Actress, Natasha. Your sons are terribly handsome. Because I was in a similar situation as Natasha, please keep talking, touching, her favorite music in the background. I can attest that she can hear everything that goes on around her. The brain is magnificent–it protects us by shutting down while we cure. My prayers and thoughts are with you, Michael and Daniel, Especially for Natasha, and the remainder of the family. She has touched us, as you have with your extraordinary talents. At Lenox, she is in the best hands, and with her zest for life, and her boyos who are awaiting her return, she will give fight to return as soon as she can. Thank you for loving this very talented, special lady. Know that you all are loved, and I send you my prayers, strength and thoughts for a speedy recovery.

  • rob Martinez
    rob Martinez on

    Sorry for your loss Mr Neeson. I really enjoyed your wife’s movies and she was a wonderful broadway and movie actress. Once again sorry for your loss.

  • Rhonda
    Rhonda on

    My thoughts and prayers are with you dear Mr Liam Neeson and family. You and Natasha are my favorite actors…

  • Rhonda
    Rhonda on

    I loved you both in the movie Nell and the most recent I saw of you was Taken, it was an awesome movie. Not a dull moment in the entire film. I watched Les Miserable tonight on DVD…I know that you and Natasha surely had the real thing which is so rare in life I am happy that you had that. No words are adaquate at a time such as this…my thoughts and prayers are with you and your sons.

  • carlac
    carlac on

    mr neeson and sons,
    my heart goes out to all of you. i’m so sorry for your loss.

  • Tammie Unger
    Tammie Unger on

    Neeson and sons,
    My heart goes out to you and your family. You are in my prayers.I find 1 Corinthians 15:51-58 comforting. Especially v. 55 “O deat, where is thy sting? O grave, where is thy victory?” I don’t always understand what God sends our way, but I believe God understands us.
    My sympathies are with you, though I cannot offer impathy.

  • angie rodriguez
    angie rodriguez on

    I’m so sorry about your loss. Great actress. I saw you in the movie taken. I just loved it. My prayers are with you and your family.

  • Kate
    Kate on

    I feel just terrible for your loss. Natasha was as beautiful as she was intelligent and an excellent actress. She will be very missed. Our family is praying for you and yours.

  • Pamela
    Pamela on

    To Mr. Neeson & Sons,

    My prayers are with you in your loss, it was a tragic accident. What a beautiful and talented woman. What a special wife and mother sister and daughter to be taken so young. She has left a wonderful legacy for all of us. She is still with you.

  • Pat Diaz
    Pat Diaz on

    So sorry for this tragic loss. I can not even begin to imagine life without my other half. Will pray for God to give you strength everyday. Don’t remember the loss,but remember the life you lived and shared. Stay strong and raise your sons the way your wife would have wanted to. god bless.

  • Leigh
    Leigh on

    I have been praying for you and your boys ever since I heard the tragic news. I was a huge fan of Natasha’s and I can’t believe this has happened. She is now an angel watching over all you. Stay strong and know that God is near. Blessings and prayers,

  • Becky G.
    Becky G. on

    A young girl,9 years old,was playing in the yard with her Dad and brother. She was hit in the head by a softball. She appeared to be fine, so they did not go to the hospital. The next day she had a bad headache. Her mother immediately thought of Natasha and rushed her to the hospital. The doctor stated that she had a subdural hemotoba. If they had not brought her in when they did, she would not have survived the night. I know this may be of little comfort now, but this little girl is alive today because of Natasha. The Neeson family is in all of our thoughts and prayers.

  • kim johnson
    kim johnson on

    Natasha has been on my mind since I first heard of her death. Having 2 boys myself, I just can’t imaging having to leave them at such young ages. My heart aches for you as well. I would have loved to have been blessed with a loving marriage as the two of you obviously had. It’s just not fair. God Bless you. Kim Johnson

  • tami roberts 3/28/09
    tami roberts 3/28/09 on

    Liam my heart goes out to you and your sons.I have been praying for you and your family. I am so very deeply sorry.

  • Bruce's Megan
    Bruce's Megan on

    I can only tell you of the deep sorrow and shock I felt at the loss of Natasha, and I knew only too well how you must be feeling, having lost my soulmate a mere four years ago; words won’t change it, fix it, or even be of much help, but all of us who enjoyed the gift of both of your talent feel the need to try to say something to let you know we share (in however small a way) in your loss. From my own heart and experience, I can only add that time is your friend; you will never get over it, but you will learn to live with it.

  • Dolly
    Dolly on

    Liam, I’m deeply sorry for your loss. I’ve been praying for you and your sons.
    May God bless you and your family.

  • Isa & Roman
    Isa & Roman on

    Mr. Neeson, our prayers are with you, your sons & family. Natasha was a beautiful person, inside and out. I was able to enjoy her wonderful work.

  • TerryLynn Bell
    TerryLynn Bell on

    Mr.Neeson and to your sons my heart goes out to you and your family. Natasha was gifted person,her talent will very missed in this industry. I too have lost my soulmate seven years ago it took time, patience and family. Take care of yourself and your beautiful sons.I pray for you and your sons everyday. God bless you all, TerryLynn

  • Patti
    Patti on

    Hello Liam,
    I am sorry beyond words that your beautiful, talented, wonderful wife way taken from you so very soon. I do know that heartbreak of loss.
    I am thinking of you and praying for you and your son. Patti

  • Pat
    Pat on

    Liam,Michael & Daniel & family.
    My heart & prayer’s go out to
    you & your family. What a horrible loss. We have a son with brain damage from a seizure, he needed a kidney transplant. When I seen that you & your family decided to donate her organ’s, it make’s us more aware of how wonderful Natasha & her family are.
    May God Bless you & your children.
    Pat & family


    Mr Neeson, my prayers are still with you and your sons..

  • Gladys Fox
    Gladys Fox on

    I cannot tell you enough how sad I felt to hear of the loss of your beautiful wife.
    We don’t understand why such
    tragic things happen.
    You were a beautiful family,
    and your wife contributed much
    to you, and your Son’s
    upbringing. I wish you and
    your Son’s the strength to
    carry on.
    May God bless you all, and give you the strength to carry on.
    You all will be in my prayers each night, and in time I hope you will remember Natasha, and all the wonderful things you enjoyed
    doing together, she will be
    forever in your hearts.
    God Bless you Liam, Michael,
    and Daniel. Gladys

  • Jan
    Jan on

    Liam and sons, my hear toges out to you on the loss of you very beautiful talented wife. I saw both of you in the movie Nell and could tell there was something more there. You and your beautiful sons are in my prayers. Natasha will always be in your heart with all the good memories you had together. Blessings to you and your sons. Jan.

  • Dear Mr. Neeson
    Dear Mr. Neeson on

    I can relate in a small way to what a shock this tradgedy can have. My son who was very healthy at the age of 14 (2004) had a cardiac arrest out of no where collapased and nearly died.
    His twin brother Sal called 911 They revived him three times with a difibular but unfortunately he has an aquired anoxic brain injury. He survived and my husband and I are blessed to be able to rehabilitate Michael everyday. The pain is at the very surface of our being but we go on. I am so sorry for your lost. I know that your strength to go on will come from your two boys and you will see Natasha in their faces everyday. I love both you and your wife as actors and people. I quess we never know how this big play will end until life is over.
    peace to you and your family
    Judith Tripoli
    Danvers, MA

  • Shannon Jennings
    Shannon Jennings on

    Dear Liam and family, I found out about your loss today while at a doctor appointment with my daughter. I don’t have tv and rarely listen to the radio, so was unaware until I saw a magazine on the rack. I am so sorry for your loss. You are both such remarkable people and have always been an inspiration to me. I met my husband on July 3,1995, Married him on August 18,1996, and lost him on March 3, 2008 to Valley Fever and complications brought on by the Heparin he was given. It was 20 days before our son’s 11th birthday, and our daughter was 4. He was 33 years old. It has been a rough first year for all of us as I know it will be for you and your family. Know that my heart goes out to you and your families. If there is ever anything I can do for you or your family, let me know. Know that the kids and I love you and your family. Our prayers are with you always. Shannon and Kids

  • tia
    tia on

    Dear Liam and family,
    I wish you and
    your Son’s the strength to
    carry on.
    May God bless you all, and give you the strength to carry on.TIA
    You all will be in my prayers each night, and in time I hope you will remember Natasha, and all the wonderful things you enjoyed
    doing together, she will be
    forever in your hearts.
    God Bless you Liam, Michael,
    and Daniel….

  •  Kathy Doolan
    Kathy Doolan on

    First may I say ‘God bless you ALL!’ Natasha had the smile and face of an ANGEL, (especially in all the pictures I saw of her looking up at you and of course when “her boys” were around, I lost my dad about 10 years ago and since he was MY ANGEL, I bought an angel pin that I have had for almost 10 years and whenever I feel the urge to talk to him (like he was right in front of me) I just put my hand over the pin and I KNOW he hears me! Angels are always close watching over their loved ones as I am sure Natasha is doing so maybe there is someway you will always be together-wheather it is a special pin or her favorite flowers — keep her close to you and have your own special way to stay in touch–it helps ALOT, I know and if people would just give it a chance I’m sure sure Natasha will be there helping you and the boys–god be with you ALL.

  • Brenda Elizabeth Cowley-Waters
    Brenda Elizabeth Cowley-Waters on

    My Dearest Mr Neeson

    Please acceptmy most sincere condolences to you and your beautiful boys at the tragic loss of your beloved Natasha. I just wish I could take away some of your pain. You and the boys are in my thoughts and prayers.

    With all my love.

    Brend Elizabeth Cowley Waters
    Dublin, Irelans

  • Paula
    Paula on

    Dear Mr. Neesom.. My heart is broken over the loss of your beautiful wife Natasha. I can make no sense of such a tragic loss. My heart goes out to you and your beautiful sons. I hope the beautiful memories that you have will help you thru the grief that you feel. Please accept my sincere condolences. With heartfelt grief, Paula

  • Jan Flores
    Jan Flores on

    Dear Mr. Neeson,

    I hope somehow this gets to you or to your supporters:

    I lost my husband in an accident in 1988. A sudden, tragic accident that I witnessed. I just know so much about what you and your family are going through, and will go through. I have remarried to a wonderful man, but nothing will EVER take away that pain. I live with it daily, and think about all the things I would have done differently, better, more loving, if I could go back.

    God bless you and your family. My blessings, and good wishes for future happiness, and relief of pain.

  • Wendy Banks
    Wendy Banks on

    I am sorry for the lost of your wife. I hope your grief and that of your boys will soften and become more bearable for you quickly. Your children need you and you must go on although at times I’m sure you wish you didn’t have to.
    You are in our thoughts.
    Goddess bless you and your boys.

  • Patricia Deloach
    Patricia Deloach on

    Liam,your never ending love for your wife will not end with this tragic accident. You will love her through your children.Her memory will live on. she is watching and expecting things of you more now than you will ever know. I know that you are trying to soak all this in and it just cant be so. Its been 10 years since I lost my son to and accident. I think of him every day. After it happened I was just numb.I was in a fog, my mind was not clear. Your children are going to get through this with your help, you are the closest to her that they have. God bless and keep you all together, embrace the love she has left you with.

  • Patricia Deloach
    Patricia Deloach on

    Liam, one day at a time is the only way you can live this change in your life. The sorrow is so deep and heavy to carry around. Do embrace the loves that she has left in your life.
    she is watching from above and I believe that. My son passed at 19 in a accident and I know I will see him again one fine day. You have a lot of work to do raising these two fine boys that are hurting too. God’s Peace to you and your family.

  • jim wright
    jim wright on

    I am sorry for the lost of your wife . this is a real eye opener for me i had a subdural hematoma the 1/15/09 at work. god bless

  • Sandy Brown
    Sandy Brown on

    Dear Liam,
    I am sorry for the death of your best friend, lover and wife. I wish there was something that I could say that would ease the pain that you are feeling now, but I can honestly say that remembering all the love and good and allowing yourself time to grieve are the only solutions. You have touched my life many times in the roles you have played in your movies and my prayer is that God will Bless and Keep You and Your Sons in this time and always.

  • Darlene Bowman
    Darlene Bowman on

    Dear Liam,
    I am so sorry for you loss it touched me in a way that I feel in my heart for you!!
    My husband suffered a sever head injury in 1990 playing baseball and with 3 small children it seemed I would try to bring stength and positive to our lives my husband lived and we went on he is a great man and has come a long way. I played everyday his favorite song Don’t Give Up by Peter Gabriel and each day was a challenge. My heart will be with you and your sons. Just don’t give up!!! they need you and your beloved Natasha needs you to take care of them. God Bless you Liam and you Sons.

  • Carmen
    Carmen on

    Liam you were terrific in Taken, you should do more action movies.
    A big fan of yours.

  • michael
    michael on

    My heart to yours

  • michael
    michael on

    My heart to yours

  • Care
    Care on

    When are you going to do the Calvin Klein add for CK jeans/ in Calvins /shirtless with the words towering sequoia of sex running down the side of your profile; Calvin Klein jeans; need we say more?… I know you are a generous man and would donate the proceeds to children/ native american children esp. with sequoia in your add.

  • Aaron Reid
    Aaron Reid on

    Mr.Neeson, you are a wonderful actor who would be perfect playing Sir Ernest Shackleton. Please read “Endurance” which is a true account of an antartica expedition led by
    Please read “Endurance” by Alfred Lansing. This true account of an antartic expedition and how Shacketon saved all of his men is astounding and you would be perfect as Shackleton.

  • care
    care on

    I read your comment on handsome/you r/you are so handsome,my love,pleasing beyond words! Like the finest apple tree in the orchard is my love among other men.Handsome,taal, dark and dazzling better than ten thousand others! Now have a wonderful day and night you are loved.

  • Brian
    Brian on

    Sory about your lost she was beutiful actress. And had an eye for slendor.Your acting talent is great!!

  • pat rogers
    pat rogers on

    I am very sorry for the loss of your wife. Please continue to act as God will heal you with your staying busy. You will heal with time.
    I loved you in Shindler’s List. I am a bit afraid to watch your new film Taken, but I am sure I will at some time. Take care, and may God Bless you and your family.

  • Annie
    Annie on

    Dear Liam,
    May God bless and comfort you as you continue your journey through life. I am deeply saddened by your loss. I lost my husband of 30 years on Christmas Eve of 2004, quite suddenly as well. I wish you, your children and all of your family Godspeed..
    Be well and know that their are many of us keeping the memories alive..

  • Mami
    Mami on

    Dear Mr. Liam,
    You are a very fine actor and overall a great person. You may be going through a difficult time in your life, but remember, God is always with you. You & your family are loved, and well taken care of. I wish you all the best.

  • ronald
    ronald on

    Dear Liam
    I want to offer my sincerest condolences for your loss. she was a wonderful and gracious woman, mother and wife. I wish you comfort as you continue with your sons and your career. Your movie “Taken” was far more than an action film and you accepting the role gives hope to us older guys who still have some “pluck” remaining in them.

    God bless you and we look forward to you playing Lincoln.

  • Solomon Moses Kale
    Solomon Moses Kale on

    I know at this time words of comfort are of little, but I wish you and yours much peace and comfort in the knowledge that she is always with you. I love your body of work especially TAKEN, and as a screenwriter I look forward to working with such a talented actor as yourself. God bless you and yours. Sol

  • Marjorie
    Marjorie on

    May you find the strength to make through each hour of each day.

  • Casandra
    Casandra on

    Hi Liam. I am a big fan of your wifes. I am sooo sorry. She was loved by many, I will continue to pray for your family and hers everyday. You should make a official myspace page for you. I have made A Natasha tribute page recently.

    all my love,


  • ann kammerer
    ann kammerer on


  • Shirley
    Shirley on

    Hi Liam, I was captivated by Natasha in the movie Nell. She was so exquisitely lovely and spoke with such velvety tones. My heart breaks for your (and our) loss. God bless and keep you.

  • Noreen O'Sullivan
    Noreen O'Sullivan on

    My prayers are with you and your family on your loss. May your boys grow up with all the great memories of their Mom.
    God Bless
    From a Cork Lass in New York

  • Bernadette
    Bernadette on

    Hi Liam, I loved Natasha in the movie The Parent Trap she was perfect. I was so sorry to hear of her death, I’ve been praying for you and your family and will continue to do so. That God will continue to comfort you. God bless you and you sons. Bernadette

  • Vonnie Gowing
    Vonnie Gowing on

    We are sorry to hear that you lost your wife, so early and so quickly. We are praying tht time passes quickly until you reach the point where the memories bring more joy than pain. God keep you and your boys until He takes us all home and you can see her again.. and have her for eternity..
    Mike and Vonnie Gowing

  • Care
    Care on

    Dear Li, Sometimes it is how we look and see things Believe the Force is with you; Look for the good in life; expect the best; you are dearly loved and appreciated. Reframe things ask the force to see it through the eyes of love; the force itself is eternal love. Take time just to be today, enjoy a walk in a garden or a quite spot on top of a mountain or near a stream fly fishing with just the sound of the rippling stream arround you, the sound of some birds and the feel of sunshine on your face and a gentle breeze blowing through your hair and just know it …

  • robynn
    robynn on

    One of your greatest talents isyou ability to do so many different “accents”.For instance southern in Nell…..etc

  • Caitlin Neish
    Caitlin Neish on

    I am so sorry about your wife. I can not imagine what you are going through. But the force is with you. I hope your boys grow up well. You are my faveorite actor. I loved your role as quagon jin. I named my fish quagon.

  • Pam
    Pam on

    I hope this finds you peaceful. I too know loss, it is painful and heart breaking. It is good that hearts mend and people go on. I pray you will smile like you mean it and sleep through the night again. Take care and thanks for all you have done for others, that is how your life is defined and how you are remembered by many. Gratefully, Pam

  • Hi'ilani
    Hi'ilani on

    I just found out tonight that your wife, Natasha had passed away. My husband and I were watching ‘Extra’ and saw Sharon Stone crying about something, and then they showed Natasha’s face. I immediately ran to the computer trying to look up what happened and sure enough found this sight about her death! I was in complete shock! I am a huge fan of her’s from the Parent Trap. I absolutely loved her in that movie…her smile, her style, her inner and outer beauty. She glowed like an angel in this movie. I have never met her but completely fell in love with her. We are so sorry to hear of this news and we wish you all of our aloha and light. Please take care of yourself and God Bless you and the keiki’s.

    Aloha, Hi’ilani

  • Kiro
    Kiro on

    Hi,Liam I just want to say that on “TAKEN” you did a magnifecent performance.I really admire you and you inspire me to become a good actor someday and also I am really sorry to hear about your wife. Take care and god bless you. Ang gino o nagmal.

  • Karen Sparks
    Karen Sparks on

    My dearest Liam , I am writing to you to convey my deepest sympathy , I am so sorry for your loss ,and you are in my prayers.My , name is Karen , I,m a 40 year old mother of a 19 year old boy and 17 year old boy ,we are from a very small town in Carter Co. Kentucky,I have watched probably every movie you have ever been in , and I have to say that “TAKEN” is my all time favorite movie,please forgive me for saying this , but you are bad ass in that movie.It is my dream to meet you in person someday . I know it’s probably a small town country girls dream , but it doesn’t hurt to dream right ? My Mother always told me if your gonna dream , you might just as well dream big . Well I can’t wait to see your next movie , I will leave you alone and hope to you meet you someday. Love and prayers to you and yours. Yours truly Karen Sparks.

  • care
    care on

    I am so excited. I saw this picture in “Country magazine” it is in this month’s issueJune 2009 the cover says Paradise found “. In it there is a picture of a sunrirse and it say’s God’s country; it is so beautiful!! This reminded me of what I was sharing with you!! Also in it a man who likes to fly fish said he liked the April/May cover of : Little Lake in Montana’s Beaverhead Mountains; he wondered how many reader’s noted the small, tiny rings on the surface of the lake ; a fisherman would he said it meant that those rings mean rising trout to an angler. Have a great day I hope and pray for you and yours that all is well; can’t say I saw your new movie I like chick flicks with happy endings and I would go see the documentary on Abraham Lincolon if you do that. Anyway I could not help but think of you when I saw these things!! The address for Country Magazine is PO box 5280 Harlan IA 51593-0780; www. country-magazine.com If you like to cook there is a great magazine with down home recipes in it A taste of home. Have a great night sweet dreams Care.

  • barbara lindstrom
    barbara lindstrom on

    I too wanted to pass along my deep felt condolences to the Neeson family on the passing of such an extraordinary woman. I’m just finishing nursing school.. and all I could think about was how touching and graciously Natasha’s life came to a close in NYC. The world watched and took a collective gasp as you brought her home to her final rest. May God keep you close in his loving embrace.

  • Michele
    Michele on

    Je vous presente toutes mes condoleances. Bien a vous.

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Article by UInterview

Q: You play a government "fixer" in the film Taken, and I wanted to know, did you get to meet any real-life fixers before making the movie? - Uinterview User

There were a couple of men I met, yes, before we started shooting who had done some shady stuff for governments in their past. A couple of the stories they told me would literally make the hair on the back of your neck stand up.

Q: Thank you very much for that. So the other question I had was, could you relate at all to the role of the overprotective father? - Jessica, London, England - Uinterview User

Well, I'm a father of two boys, so I can certainly imagine if something bad were to happen to them, it would be, certainly, any parents worst nightmare.

Q: Hi Liam. This is Bill from San Francisco. Doing an action movie seems like a big change of pace for you. Did you specifically choose this movie because you wanted to do an action film? - Bill, San Francisco - Uinterview User

I did! I found the script a real page-turner from beginning to end. I literally couldn't put it down. I love the fact that the hero is in his late 40s; he's not a kid. Luc Besson had co-written it; it was his company doing it. It was a no-brainer for me. I thought, "Wow I'd love to do this."

Q: My follow-up question is, this role is extremely physical. Were you allowed to do many of your own stunts? - Bill, San Francisco - Uinterview User

I did want to do all the fights myself, which I did. The stunts — I left that to my stunt double, Mark Vanselow. I was thrilled to do it! It's something I don't often get the chance to do.