You’ve been helpful and of service professionally, being seen to be accurate, precise and on time. That is until a…
You want to make decisions about your future plans and objectives, but there’s a creative sensitivity that washes out the most…
There’s information floating around which should stay a secret. It seems the informer or leak is coming from someone who…
You’d like to say something to a partner whose a fantasist and dreamer. You know how you want to approach…
It’s time for money talk, and you have to value what you do — however you might be feeling unclear…
Someone like a local or a neighbor has something to say. Your reply is interesting as your compassionate worldview is…
You’re pushed to talk about emotional needs which get you quite agitated, particularly if you’re put on the spot about…
You’re thinking and talking about all the fun and games and creativity you can bring to the event, but there’s…
The body of Ian Jones has possibly been found in the Hudson River following a kayaking accident with his girlfriend,…
You’ve got what you think are the best ideas when it comes to the job at hand, but there’s something…
Mercury, the planet of thinking and communication, is gradually lining up to make a tense opposition to Neptune, the planet…
Tony Lara, one of the stars of Discovery Channel's Deadliest Catch, died in his sleep over the weekend. He was…
Brooklyn rapper Sean Price died in his sleep in his Brooklyn apartment on Saturday morning, according to his record label…
An elephant in Botswana was caught drinking water from a toilet at the Elephant Sands Lounge. According to Barcroft TV,…
Wendy Williams fell off stage during her comedy show at The Hobby Center in Houston on Saturday, Aug/ 8. The…
Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370 mysteriously fell off the radar more than a year ago, leaving investigators stumped as to what…
Kelly Rutherford has defended her decision to keep her children in the U.S. instead of returning them to their father…
Melissa Benoist and Calista Flockhart spoke about their new TV series Supergirl during a panel discussion at the CBS portion… Robin Wright (born April 8, 1966) is an American actress and television director. After starting off on the soap…
Greta Gerwig arrived at the Los Angeles premiere of her new comedy Mistress America at the Sundance NEXT FEST in…