The PlayStation Network was brought down this weekend allegedly by a hacker group whose Twitter handle is @LizardSquad who claims their intentions were meant to pressure Sony to spend more money on the PlayStation Network. It took Sony the entire weekend to bring the Network back online. Also this weekend, Lizard Squad also attacked Blizzard Entertainment and Microsoft’s Xbox Live network.

Most terrifyingly, however, was a tweet sent out by Lizard Squad to American Airlines implying there was a bomb threat on Sony Online Entertainment President John Smedley’s plane. The flight was grounded and no explosive materials were found on board.

PlayStation Has Been Hacked Before

The cyber activist group Anonymous targeted the PlayStation Network in 2011 in retaliation for Sony attempting to stop hacks on their PS3 console. The attack compromised over 100 million Sony accounts. Both Qriocity and the PlayStation Network had to be taken down for over a month for repairs. Apparently, Sony has not learned from Anonymous’ attack, as Lizard Squad recently taunted Sony for the ease in bringing their Network down.

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