Dr. Mehmet Oz, who recently celebrated the 1,000th episode of The Dr. Oz Show, has apologized for lauding weight-loss supplements.

Dr. Oz Apologizes

Oz has often come under fire for some of the practices he promotes on his show. But the criticism reached something of a boiling point when Columbia University doctors asked that he be removed as a faculty member, calling him a “quack.” With his reputation on the line, Oz has apologized.

“I wish I’d never used the laudatory terms I used for weight loss supplements,” Oz said on Fox and Friends Monday. “That was the big mistake I think we all acknowledge. I stopped doing that a long time ago, over a year ago.”

In addition to his apology, Oz attempted to explain the premise of his show, which is not solely designed to speak to proven medicine. In addition to tackling the harder science, he also addresses fads and trends that are en vogue at a given time on The Dr. Oz Show.

“I do toggle back and forth between hard core medicine, which I do believe we do a very good job getting it right,” Oz told Elisabeth Hasselbeck. “But I like to look around the corner. What other ideas might be helpful? The show is about prevention and wellness. It’s not a medical press show. My job is to take America and elevate the conversation.”


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