Donald Trump allegedly called lawyer Elizabeth Beck disgusting for asking for a break so that she could use a breast pump for her three-month-old child.

Donald Trump ‘Disgusted’ By Breast Pump

Trump and Beck were on opposite sides of a lawsuit back in 2011, when Trump had to give a deposition. Apparently there was an agreed upon lunch break set into the schedule, which was meant to allow time for Beck to use her breast pump. However, according to Beck, Trump was not keen to take the break for her to breast-pump.

You’re disgusting,” Trump told Beck, reports The New York Times. 

“He had an absolute meltdown when I said that I needed the break and it was for breast-pumping purposes,” Beck elaborated to CNN. “He got up, his face got red, he shook his finger at me, ‘You’re disgusting, You’re disgusting,’ and he ran out of there.”

Alan Garten, a lawyer for Trump, claims that it was not the act of breast-feeding that bothered his client, but rather Beck’s insistence that it happen at that moment during the deposition. “In my 20 years of legal practice, I’ve never seen more bizarre behavior at a deposition,” Garten told the Times. “That is what led to his remark.”

Trump has also weighed in on Beck’s account of events. While Trump doesn’t dispute the possibility he may have said “disgusting,” he says that she planned on pumping in front of him.

“She wanted to pump in front of me during a deposition,” Trump said. “I may have said that’s disgusting. I may have said something else. I thought it was terrible. She’s a horrible person. She knows nothing about me.”

“She’s a terrible attorney. She lost her case to me, and in fact I won legal fees,” Trump said, making things even more personal. “The judge awarded legal fees, which is pretty rare. We beat her soundly. She’s got a terrible reputation.”

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